We Are Family

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dishman Side

Dishman Side
Papa’s side of the family is the Dishman side. I call them Pops and Grams. As I have gotten older my time with them is an adventure in its self.

Now growing up only one person had the final word and that was Pops. He did rule with an iron fist in our family, but he loved his family very much. Here are a few fun facts about him:
Favorite Clothing – Overalls
Cooking was/is a great passion of his.
He loved his dog Princess very much
He refereed and umpired
Was born/raised in Strafford MO
Mom – Effie
Dad – Doc
He tells great stories of growing up I hope that at some point we can get a few of these on video

She is our delicate - church going - proper woman that if you say road trip she is ready. Here are a few things about Grams.
Loves the Lord and will tell you to go to church (which we should!)
Is ready to travel loves to be on the go
Worked as a nurse
Lived in Kansas when she was young
Cannot ride in a car and listen to music she wants to talk!
Loves to pack/unpack if you move
Hates the first of the year because everyone is together for the holidays then everyone is gone again.

Just a few thoughts that I had today.
Love you to the moon stars and beyond.

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